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SuperFox Software Updates

The update below upgrades SuperFox to version 8.2.1. This release makes some improvements described below.

You should also apply this upgrade if SuperFox has asked you to activate or if your copy has expired. Please follow these simple points:

  • Upgrades require an Administrative account to install successfully.
  • Always take a backup of your data BEFORE you proceed with an upgrade.
  • Carefully read and follow instructions in the PDF release notes below.

Any version 8 Upgrade to v8.2.1

Release Notes

Upgrade File

Uncompressed file (larger download)


Uncompressed Upgrade File


This update improves:

1. The family handling and fixes a rare and unusual bug where family templates were occasionally invisible. The release includes a data upgrade to bring the invisible items back into view again.

2. Transfers from the waiting list now automatically delete the corresponding waiting list entry as leaving it behind can cause some confusion.

3. Version 8.2.1. also makes changes to the optional Sage exports function currently out on beta test. Sage exports now enforce the 8 character limit for new account references and there is a new compact sales transaction export option. A new Sage user guide is in preparation.

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